Gathering up the old crew!

Ellooooooooooo everyone!!!

I had wonderful weekend hanging out with old peeps, my sec mates! We were from different schools back then yet magically were the ones who sorta 'grew up' together.
I still vividly remembered, we the die-hard fan of 'Sparks' lurves hitting sporadically on techno tunes. That was almost 9 yrs ago ok, where we got stamp for 'Soft drinks only' on backs of our hands at the entrance of the club. I'm infamously 16, with platforms n tube tops(they were so in-trend)...After flashing back therafter, I realised I was soooooo freaking Buang!

As I familiarize their faces, I'm aware of huge changes; the scent of 'grown-up' in all of us seems to have taken place. Some are ready to plan for marriage, some had career taken off, everyone now have a purpose in life instead of our aimless delinquent days.

We had insane talks over dinner, there were lotsa madness & was almost close to orgasmic! Hah! I loved my frds.

Kinda fruitful isn't it?!

My club bestie: joey & sweet Justina.
Other 2 boys die-hard refused on camming, shrug~
A repetition of the first pic.

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