
I'm sooooooo freaking upset that I missed this year's Zoukout, everyone seems to have helluva time there!!! Argh... *slaps ownself*

On another hand, I'm glad I've made a few new friends from Flowerpod & we r gonna stretch our time together this coming weekend @ the Aranda Chalet, Yippeeeeeee!

Previously, I'd arranged for a pre-meetup session last sat & am glad most of the podders turn up spontaneously.
~~~~Thank you Gals~~~!
Its always a lil awkard when it comes to introduction, everyone was kinda reserved & I had to strike a few lines to get the fire started. BUT when one rakes about makeup, skincare n other girrrrly stuff, more n more estrogen fills the air &....yes, lotsa yakityyak*** begun!

We spent about an hour or two bull sessioning. Indeed I was having lotsa merrymaking moments exchanging our personal info. Well... when I came to know of their age I'm feeling darn old already. So old, bleah!

Anyways...I'll stop for now, I've been having the 'Short-cut' mood recently.

My lovely SWEETS!
Clockwise from left : me (obviously), Joy, Chuxian, Elieen ,Ashley, Mitchelle, Christine, Elsie, Alina & last but not least Jennive

Elise wasn't much ready for this shot
Woowhoo Weet! sui!
Darlin Jenn & me

Chiong version of Forever Friends
That poor chap inside must be sweating in his/her underpants!

Joy wanted a pic with the Santa but too bad I only catch his side view.
At the same time, check out the smiles of Elieen & mitch, aren't they lovely.

I wanted to photoshopp the santa clausies onto joy's shoulder but can't remember how.
Anyways.. these are the funny faces of Santa.

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