Red Dragon Fruit Collagen Drink

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Hi dblchinis!!!
Introducing the latest Dragon Fruit Collagen Drink from Madelin, a special fruit is enrich with many nutritional benefits, such as high in vitamin C & anti oxidant properties.

Usually it is eaten fresh but this time round, Madelin had power pack this wholesome produce into a bottle.
I've set my collagen drink to chill before taking out to shoot, check out the frosted look I had on these bottles,
call professionalism hotline:

Frosted Dragon fruit Jam & Juice.
Seriously I dun how far I can get with such vocabulary.

I was at the Food Hotel Asia 2012 along with few other bloggers
Representatives from Madelin presented how dragon fruit could benefit us yet giving life to boring snacks in various way.
Pardon the next few error in the photos, I duno y everytime I upload Via internet Tethering I lost a fraction of the picture.

1. Jam on biscuit
I'm not a Jam person, the only favour Jam could do for me is blood on halloween.
like I dun even fancy Big Breakfast Bun with Grape Jam.(Y m I even telling u this?!)
ok enough hate, when I took a bite on the biscuit I actually enjoyed it. ok curse broken.
One of the bloggers mentioned that is too sweet for her liking but apparently it just tasted right for me.

3. Jam on Cakes
Next time your friends visit your home, Serve them erupting Lava marble cake.

2. Dragon Fruit martini
Interesting but is probably too early to get wasted.

4. Dragon Fruit Yogurt.
Ugh, Frolick, Yami Yogurt, froyo are in my top hatelist.
I dislike yogurt be it low fat or not.
Indulgence shouldn't taste sour, is not the yogurt, is me.

Back to this tasteful collagen.
Comes in a pack of 8
Brides, this is the ultimate survival kit for ur upcoming wedding!!!
Take one Every night an hour or 2 before sleep so it could work in conjunction with your body as it repairs and stimulates new collagen for your skin.
waking up to fresh new skin the next day? u bet with red dragon fruit :)

Steps to enjoy your fruity drink:

1. Stare intensely at the bottle wondering how should u open this thing.

2. when u finally found the tab, pull generously with minimal strength.

3. Camwhore to infinity and beyond as u try to open without flexing your fats Muscles too much.

4. Pour into a wine Glass like-a-pro

5. Pretending that you are toasting with a lot a lot of people but actually u are just toasting to the camera in ur jammies.

6. Again, sip like-a-pro
Notice that I also drank my own hair? Not-so-much-a-pro.

7. Pretense is necessary, you r supposedly to look intoxicated with a wine glass.

8. ok too action-packed here
but your skin will start improving the next day, trust me.

9. Time for bed

10. Good night dblchinis, may you skin be as baby ass as mine :)

I urge you dblchinis to 'Like' Love Red Dragon Fruit facebook page, please do!

Red Dragon Fruit is found at online, prices respectively:
-Jam 250gm (S$5.00/ bottle)
-Fruit Juice Drink 850gm (S$12.50/ Bottle)
-Collagen Drink 60ml x 8 bottles per box (S$40.00/ Box)